The natural-human world is characterized by highly interconnected systems, in which a single discipline is not equipped to identify broader signs of systemic risk and mitigation targets. For example, what risks in agriculture, ecology, energy, finance and hydrology are heightened by climate variability and change? How might risks in, for example, space weather, be connected with energy, water and finance? Recent advances in computing and data science, and the data revolution in each of these domains have now provided a means to address these questions.We propose to establish the PRISM Cooperative Institute for pioneering the integration of large-scale, multi-resolution, dynamic data across different domains to improve the prediction of risks (potentials for extreme outcomes and system failures). Our vision is to develop a trans-domain framework that harnesses big data in the context of domain expertise to: discover new critical risk indicators, holistically identify their interconnections, predict future risks and spillover potential, and to measure systemic risk broadly.
Read MoreThe CONIX Center’s research agenda is broad and ambitious, spanning architectures, components, services, security, and privacy, all of which combine into three demonstrator applications. The center’s mission is to develop the architecture consisting of APIs and protocols that allow system designers to operate on all resources in a system in an abstract manner like that used by modern data centers. This requires an interdisciplinary and cross-cutting approach that extends from new programming paradigms at the top, all the way down to platforms that support in-network computation. To cope with dynamics and scale, the system needs to be sufficiently autonomous using machine learning and cognitive approaches to build resilience and to self-optimize.
Read MoreThe primary aim of this work is to developing an open, reconfigurable, non-proprietary, wearable, realtime speech processing system suitable for audiologists and hearing aid researchers to investigate new hearing aid algorithms in lab and field studies. Through active collaboration between engineers and scientists, we aim to accelerate hearing healthcare research and facilitate translation of technological advances into widespread clinical use. See here for details.
Read MoreAccurate and reliable knowledge of time is fundamental to cyber-physical systems for sensing, control, performance, and energy efficient integration of computing and communications. This simple statement underlies the RoseLine project. Emerging CPS applications depend on precise knowledge of time to infer location and control communication. There is a diversity of semantics used to describe time, and quality of time varies as we move up and down the system stack. System designs tend to overcompensate for these uncertainties and the result is systems that may be over designed, in-efficient, and fragile. The intellectual merit derives from the new and fundamental concept of time and the holistic measure of quality of time (QoT) that captures metrics including resolution, accuracy, and stability.
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